Thursday, June 16, 2011


Kautilya alias Chanakya was a great proponent of politics, economics and diplomacy, His creation Chanakya Neeti is time tested and relevant in all times. Chanakya Neeti has guided the administration & society in all ages. Mahatma Chanakya was stern but had a kind heart. He never cared for wealth or luxury of any post, only the respect of the nation. Honour, glory and ethical values remained of top priority to him.
He often remained ruthless to achieve these values but it was only natural for him. He said.
"I am describing the complex secrets of politics, for the betterment of human beings. By knowing them a man knows everything. The sole aim of Chanakya Neeti is to acquaint the people with the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, approved and avoidable concepts."


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